Saturday, March 18, 2017

We are on our way!

This morning Matt and I left Maryland heading for California. We dropped off rocks in Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana. It was really fun to be there as people found them in WV and IN. I didn't expect to see that.

I posted pictures on my Facebook page (Judi Bland Stull) and haven't been able to get them to post on here yet. I will, just not today. So, here are some thoughts about our first 600 miles:

1. There are some really funny place names.
       My favorite city/town name for today was Big Otter, WV. Matt apparently read an article about the towns in each state that have the dirtiest names. Strangely, we stopped for lunch in the one for Kentucky. Morehead. It never, ever crossed my mind to think of it that way! Lol Another good one was Hurricane, WV - no bodies of water are even close, so how in the heck did it get named Hurricane?

2. The second was my deep thought for the day.
       As I was driving through the Appalachian mountains this morning, the road twisted and turned, bringing the sun to my left or right or behind me in turn. It made me think about how, when we have a goal in mind, we don't often travel from Point A to Point B in a straight line. We twist and turn and it may feel like we are going in completely the wrong direction, but if we are focused on our goal, we will get there in the end. So much of my life has been to just have faith that I'm going the right direction, trusting the Lord to be my roadmap and compass and knowing that He is steering me in the right direction. Sometimes my detours feel like I'm going the wrong way and as I keep my eyes on the end goal, I will eventually get there.

3. I love my son.
       Of course I love all of my sons. That's a given. I just was struck today with all of the long trips Matt and I have taken together. We travel well together. I like that. Having him move to California is tough and I'm really going to miss him. I keep trying to remember that I did this very thing to my parents when I met Bob, got engaged 5 days later, then moved from California to Missouri two months later. Maybe this is payback? :)  Either way, I love Matt and am so glad we are getting this 5 or 6 days together. It's a balm for my heart.

As always, have a terrific day! Talk to you all soon and will hopefully get some pictures together when my phone and the blog talk to each other.


  1. i was at cracker barrel in morehead ky this afternoon and found a rock painted like the commonwealth of ky flag. just a fellow kentuckian, i had to keep it because i never get that lucky of finding anything, and it was awesome looking.

  2. Oh hurray!! So glad you found it! Congratulations! (And I'm glad you thought it was awesome.)

  3. Yesterday as I was visiting my girlfriend on her work break we walked outside and she found a state flag rock on a table! We think it's pretty cool. Im pretty sure we decided to rehide somewhere else we haven't been together sometime soon.
